I'm glad I went to work today; there was tons to do like always and not enough time to do it all. It's always nice when you get through a task that beforehand feels like you'll never get done.
As I write this on our laptop, Noella is in bed next to me and has yet to fall asleep. When Christine or I are on vacation, we let her go to sleep later, but this is ridiculous! It's taken and hour and a half already!!! Anyway, I'm on "night watch" while Christine is tackling the seemingly impossible task of going through those enormous stacks of paper on our desk I mentioned in an earlier blog. We always trade off who gets Noella ready for bed and reads her the bedtime stories, and tonight, given the mess in the other rooms, I'd rather be here!!!
The last book read after a going through 3 or 4 at bedtime is, as always, "Goodnight Moon". My own bedtime stories always include a healthy dosage of news reports from the CNN, MSNBC, and MSN Video websites. I'm never sure if that's such a good idea..... Today the news cycles seem to be focued on the Bush Secret Spying scandal, the US Senate debates on the Patriot Act and a Defense Budget measure, and the NYC Transit Strike. Man, where the heck are we going with this country? I mean, what could possibly happen next? News never seemed this intense at such frequency before....has it? Goodnight Moon, or at least as good as it can get....
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