Wednesday, October 03, 2007

New Beginnings

Noella has started her new school and so far so good. She's grown so much... Now I know what they mean when people say "...children don't come with manuals". You really fumble around and try to do what's right the best you can, and then one day you realize, "Oh crap, I should have been doing this!" Everything from her teeth, to her hearing loss, to her socio-emotional development have been interesting "lessons" in responsible parenthood. Hopefully if we ever have a next one we'll screw up less...or perhaps we'll just screw up differently.

Second guessing aside, I'm happy to see Noella gaining confidence. She's finally able to do the monkey-bars after years of wanting to do so. I recorded her on my phone at her school playground. Man, time to wake up and see her growing. It's slipping by so fast and won't come again.

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