To All My Fellow Gilmour Fans:
Here's Radio City Music Hall.....just waiting for David Gilmour and his band to start their North American OAI Invasion April 4th and April 5th. Across the street from Radio City is a water fountain plaza in front of the Time Life Building.

As you face the fountain (with Radio City behind you) you will see a sculpture to the left and a news telestrater to the right. I suggest we meet under the telestrater as that is the least crowded and easily recognizable area on the mini-plaza. We could get a nice group shot with Radio City in the background...

Here is a picture of the Heartland Brewery on 51st street between 6th and 7th (Radio City is on 50th street and 6th Avenue). This seems to be a nice place to hang out and is very close. The problem is they fill up quickly on a concert night. If we want to hang out before and after, we'd be on a waiting list.
We would have to meet by the telestrater at 4:45pm, take our group picture, and head over the Heartland to secure space by 5:00pm. Is that too early? I'll keep checking around and will update this page. In the meantime, how many people are we?
Update 3/29/06:
It's settled. We'll meet under the telestrater at 4:45, take a group shot, move on to Heartland Brewery, toss back a few, take a few more pictures, and go see the concert we've all been waiting for. Heartland says there should be plenty of room for us by the bar. If we're lucky, and want a table, there may be some available between 5:00pm and 5:30pm. Though I hate their directions, here at least is a mapquest link for you of the area.
For those coming by PATH, here's a map for you. Click here for PATH weblink. Click here for NYC Transit System. The "1" Train, "E" Train, and "D" Train stop on and around 50th street (D Train being the closest).
If you are driving and need to park, expect to pay top dollar on an event night around RCMH & Rockefeller Center. You may want to check out this list of garages and call ahead to see what's cheapest. As a rule of thumb, I tend to go as west as I can in that area to find the cheapest parking (7th ave, 8th ave, 9th ave, 10th ave).
Great! Thanks! I wonder how many of us there will be? I've been trying to check in on the DG blog and it looks they're having a problem? Feels like a lost family member no one has heard from, doesn't it?
I'm not sure what we should do in terms of bar vs table. I figure we'd play it by ear. Let's see what happens...and you have a niec blog too...tons of Floyd titles!!!
Myself, my wife and 2 friends will be there on Wed the 5th. Coming up from Baltimore...where's the good parking?
My name is Wendy and I got to your website from David Gilmour's web site reading the daily blog. May I ask you a question since you are from the NY area. I will be coming from Pittsburgh, PA and staying on the NJ side. Not quite sure how to get to RCMH from the Path/Subway system. Any insite would greatly be appreciated.
Hello there!... hope the invitation is for international attendees too! haha I'll be attending the April 4th concert and since I'm going by my self, I was wondering if I could join you guys and wait together … I think a drink or two before the concert and after might do some good! Well, just let me know!… thanks!
Angelo, thanks for doing the research. YM friend and I will see you at 4:45 acreoss from the theater. I'll be in a grey Gilmour Academy sweatshirt.
Tim B.
George, last time I parked down there it was a fortune. So if good parking equals cheap parking...fugghedaboutit!!!There's a place on 53rd, if I remember correctly, between 6th and 7th. If you want to save some $$$, remember that the farther west you park the cheaper (usually). That means 7th, 8th ave, 9th ave, tenth ave. Of course that means a longer walk to 6th.
Wendy, your best bet is to take the path train to 33rd (blue line or yellow line I think) street and transfer to the D train uptown to 47th-50th Street/Rockefeller Center station.
Anonymous International, of course!!! Invitation's open to all!!! The more the merrier!!!
Tim B., we'll all see you there!!! I'll probably be wearing my Dark Side shirt if my new OAI doesn't come by then....
Thanks so much for the train directions. I just might meet up with you all for a drink or two.
Thanks for the info. I imagine paying $25-35 for parking. Is that around what it might be?
We'll definitely be joining everyone for a brew or 3. 6 days to go!
Wendy, you're welcome! We'll look forward to hanging out with you!
George, you can bet if you're parking by RCMH and Roc. Center on an event night, you'll be paying mid to upper thirties range after taxes. It's convenient to be close if you don't mind shelling out the dough...but after paying for our Gilmour tickets what's a few more Hamiltons, right?
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