Angelica and Alain are expecting by April 5th when she's scheduled to be induced. It's amazing to think that very soon a new person will come into the world with her own individual personality and potential to contribute to our society....

Family is central to everything we are and all we wish to become in our society, and I'm lucky to be a part of this little family.
Above are some family and friends waiting for Angelica and Alain to arrive. Christine, her mom, brother, India (Angelica's daughter), and I were literally decorating and cleaning our apartment right up until people started arriving!!!

What these pictures don't capture is the smell and taste of how good my mother-in-law's cooking was!!! The pernil (roasted pork shoulder) and moro negro (rice cooked with black beans) was about as good as any Dominican mom from the old country could make!!! There's my

Above in the background and below is that delicious Dominican cake with pineapple filling!!!
Becoming a parent is an awe inspiring experience, and no matter how many times you are graced with a child the experience never ceases to amaze. We only have one, Christine and I, but are hoping for more. We have, however, seen many babies born into our family, and, as observers and co-child rearers, are inspired every time there's a new family member. This baby will be Angelica's third and Alain's first. We wish them, India, and Carlos all the best as they gear up for the fifth member of their little household! I'm going to love posting here when the day comes.....
Mmm, I think it's time for a piece of that cake....

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