Here we are by the RCMH Stage Door entrance waiting for a glimpse of the man himself (notice Deborah's "Echoes Please" t-shirt?) Sorry you never got that picture of David, Deborah...you could have mine! And here are some of them below....
Heeeeey, Guuuuuuyy!!! Is that David Crosby and Polly sneaking in behind you? Below are more pictures, but look at the people's faces (there's one person in particular who stands out). The lust for autographs filled the air, unfortunately.
Hey, is that Richard Wright in the background? I never noticed him coming in? Somebody told me he went right in and refused an autograph saying, "No, not David's album." I don't blame him. The next two pictures of people wanting their photo's taken with David started to make me feel really uneasy about being there.
You see, there was a moment when David Gilmour looked at me and just smiled. I thought, "Hey, that's cool!" I smiled back and held his gaze for a moment without anything to say, then I realized he thought I was the photographer for the guy he was posing with. When I realized that, I gestured to the guy next to me. I woke up and took these two pictures in sequence just before he stepped inside, but I didn't feel right afterwards. Was I any different than that lady in the purple jacket? I'm not sure of the answer to that, but allow me to share this last picture which is my favorite of the set and was taken as a fluke random shot.
Everything in this photograph speaks volumes. I wonder if Polly would like this one?
Oh, and to all those fans who treat David Gilmour like a commodity....
Hi, Wendy here. Thanks for the great time. I enjoyed it. Nice to meet you all. If you get any pictures, post them to your site. I heard you seen David yesterday. That is awesome.
Hey Angelo!
Awesome photos, that's cool you were able to be so close to David. Even cooler the way you conducted yourself, I'm sure somewhere in all of the confusion, he must have noticed you NOT "suffocating" him!
Anyway, so glad you enjoyed the show! Danny and I felt the same way, just lucky to be alive and see him perform! What more could you ask for? =)
I'm sorry you wound up missing out on most of the pre-Heartland meet on the 4th, all of us were hoping you would get lucky at will call. Sounds like you made the best of it, though, so that rocks!
Thanks for inviting us to hang with you and the other bloggers, that definatley made the night even more of an experience. Seeing David was wonderful, but meeting new friends is just so cool. Thanks for the great time!
~Cristina (and Danny) from Heartland
Hi Wendy! Here are the pictures..there are actually like eight or nine more, but it gets redundant.
The show was an experience that satisfied all five senses!!! I'm gonna post on the DG site in more detail at another time. I also have two more shots I'll post here. Maybe tomorrow...
Cristina (and Danny)!!!
Hey, it was really great making news friends, too. I'm glad you guys found that DG blog; it's so good but one heck of an addiction!!!
I'll see you on the blog!
What great pictures. I am sitting here with my kids and my mother showing all your great pictures. Back to work today, and boy am I sore from doing so much walking. The concert was fantastic.
I had to "Take a Breath" many times during the show.
Hey, Angelo! I love your photos!!! I saw David outside that same door the night before and I was too stunned to even reach for my camera. Thanks for posting them. Wasn't the concert just amazing? Best ever....
So pleased that you managed to get tickets in the end Angelo! I've enjoyed your comments and reviews on the DG Blog and loved the photos and comments on here. Looks like you had a great time and I always find that meeting up with fellow fans almost the best part of the whole experience.
Now I need to get up to London and see if I can get any return tickets..... :-)
Jane A
Wendy, Becky, Jane A., & Stephen,
You're Welcome! I'll never forget these two days!!!
Hi Shelly, I can't believe I got that close either... It was surreal to say the least.
I'd love any pics you have. I have to forward you some from Deborah, she took some great shots too!
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