April 19th, 2006 at THE KODAK THEATER:

My lucky streak continues. I found hotel space behind the Kodak Theater (That one's for you Christine. See what I mean?)
Jorge and I at the Pig-n-Whistle on Holywood Boulevard.
Fans patiently waiting for autographs and hour after the show backstage.
I don't care what anyone thinks: the LA show was a hell of a lot louder and rowdier than the Radio City show with people taking pictures and calls of "WOOOOOOOO!!!". It was in a way more intimate as well, however, with about 3,400 people there.
After the show people came out flabbergasted...
We met the nicest fans, too. Here are the Cole's from Palm Srings, California. Mr. Cole, a life long Beatle fan and ex-roadie, said there is nothing to compare to this show in his concert experience. Here we are where we met at Mel's Diner on Highland at 2am. Damn camera phone....bad shot!
So, there's plenty of space on the Walk of Fame for David Gilmour star? Where do I sign up!
1 comment:
Hey my friend! I just saw your post on the blog and forgot about the fact that I could leave my address for you in here.
Please contact me... I'd like to keep in touch with such a good Floyd fan and fella!
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