Tuesday, December 27, 2005

The Holiday News Cycle & the Real Nuclear Option

Do you ever get the feeling that something is going to happen and then it does? You don't necessarily have to be clairvoyant to get that feeling. Sometimes you can know somebody or a group of people and kind of see what they'll do next? I can't help but feel that way about the GOP these days. I'm a little bit leery of how they'll use this week's slow news cycle to their advantage. They are masters of controlling the message...This I grant them. Given how badly things have been going this fall for the GOP & the Bush Administration, I get the sense they are going to use this week to get some momentum for the coming new year.

This whole immigration debate on the major news outlets has me suspicious. Actually, who is debating if Congress is on recess...hmm. They usually find a wedge issue and float it like a balloon to see how it floats. If people bite, they use it to dive and conquer. If not, then they let it float away. The Democrats on the other hand seem content to ride the wave of unfavorable GOP poll numbers.

I'd register as an independent if they'd let me vote in the primaries of a major party here in NYC, but they won't.... So I err on the side of being a registered Democrat. If you ask me what I think the Dems should do is go gung-ho on dismantling the two party system and the current political campaign fund process, even at the expense of seeing their own party destroyed. I call it the "Real Nuclear Option": kamikaze the Democratic Party on the sacrificial knife of what they believe in--social justice and equality. I think dismatling this system is something most Americans can support given how unpopular Congress is and how fickle the public can be with either party.

That's my two cents.....

1 comment:

Angelo Ortiz said...

It's rare to find unbiased media today. I think it's all part of slow brewed fourty-year plot to skew American poltics to the right.